1604 Lamons Lane , Suite 202, Johnson City TN 37604

Bicep Tendon Tear Repair in Lenoir, NC

Bicep tendon tear repair in Lenoir, NC

A bicep tendon tear refers to when the tendons which attach your bicep muscles to the bones of your shoulder and elbow become torn as the result of injury or overuse, leading to the loss of strength in your arm. A biceps tendon rupture can be either partial or complete:

  • A partial tear refers to when the tendon is not completely severed.
  • A complete tear refers to when the tendon becomes split in two pieces, becoming completely severed.

The biceps has two attachments to the shoulder, meaning that a tear usually does not impact the function of the biceps and arm in general; however, biceps tears can be painful, causing mild to severe discomfort. While older individuals should be wary of their aged tendons, athletes who overuse their shoulders as well as employees with jobs known for requiring excessive overhead activities should approach these tasks with care. Other activities such as smoking, or taking prescription corticosteroid medications, have been linked to affecting the tendon's health.

To schedule a consultation with a qualified orthopedic specialist in Lenoir that can perform a bicep tendon repair or suggest non-surgical remedies, call (843) 213-1480 or contact Dr. Dalal Akoury online.

Biceps Tendon Rupture Symptoms

You may be able to identify a biceps rupture if you feel sudden, sharp pain in your upper arm (or cramping of the biceps muscle upon use). Other symptoms of a biceps rupture may include:

  • An audible pop or snap which precedes the pain in your upper arm/bicep
  • A burning in the middle of your arm down toward your elbow
  • Pain or tenderness at the shoulder and the elbow
  • Weakness in the shoulder and the elbow
  • Difficulty turning the arm palm up or palm down
  • A bulge in the upper arm above the elbow, closer to the shoulder

Biceps Tendon Rupture Treatment

Diagnosis and treatment may vary depending on the severity of the tear in your biceps. Your healthcare provider will examine your symptoms and take a medical history. A complete biceps tear will be easily identifiable, likely causing a deformity of the arm muscle. Partial tears may require further diagnostic tests such as X-rays to determine whether your upper arm bone is out of place or to determine the place where the muscle attachment has changed. MRIs, additionally, may be ordered to visualize the soft tissues, which may help to diagnose and distinguish between partial and complete tears.

Biceps tendon rupture treatment may consist of either nonsurgical or surgical options. Some cases may not warrant surgical intervention, in instances that function is virtually unimpaired. In these cases, you will be recommended to ice the affected area several times a day to help diminish swelling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen may also be recommended to reduce pain and swelling. Getting plenty of rest and avoiding overhand activities will also be necessary to ensure proper healing. Physical therapy can help increase flexibility and strength to restore movement and function to your shoulder.

Surgery, on the other hand, may be considered in instances where considerable strength and function are lost. If you find that everyday activities are severely impaired, a surgical bicep tendon repair may be necessary to alleviate debilitating pain. There are several procedures available that an orthopedic surgeon can perform which involve minimal incisions. During a bicep tendon tear repair, your healthcare provider will re-anchor the torn tendon to the bone. Upon completion of surgery, a physical therapist can help teach therapeutic exercises that improve flexibility, range of motion and strengthen your shoulder.

Whatever the treatment plan, it is important to seek professional help if you find you suffer a bicep tendon tear. To schedule a consultation with a qualified orthopedic surgeon in Lenoir that can repair your bicep tendon tear or suggest non-surgical remedies, call (843) 213-1480 or contact Dr. Dalal Akoury online.

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Hours and Directions
AWAREmed Health and Wellness Resource Center


1604 Lamons Lane
Suite 202
Johnson City, TN 37604
(843) 213-1480


Mon: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tue: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thu: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Areas We Service:

Asheville, NC, Granite Falls, NC, Hudson, NC, Lenoir, NC, Hickory, NC, Boone, NC, North Wilkesboro, NC, Wilkesboro, NC, Greenville, SC, Morristown, TN, Knoxville, TN, Gatlinburg, TN, Kingsport, TN, Bristol, VA, Abingdon, VA